It was important to find some time to get this project off the ground. Sarah was so very special and important to so many people. If I had not undertaken this task, all that she was, all that she knew, might be lost forever. Reflecting back on the number of people that attended the funeral, together with those who regularly visit her grave, sit by her tree in the churchyard or simply spend some time alone thinking, I was spurred on to find the time that was required in order to facilitate this.

Although work naturally is important, somehow this is more important. The spectre of her passing still haunts me and for this reason, and this reason alone, I decided to change the priorities in my life to enable me to spend time on this site and actively, where possibly, promote cancer research funding.

Sarah made tasks that would appear to most people, difficult, extremely simple. Her ability to simply get on with her accomplishments, despite having the twins, made people look up to her.

Her encyclopaedic medical knowledge also proved to be another one of her assets, helping friends and family alike and being on hand to give advice.

The pride with which I was happy to be such a huge part of her life I still carry and will continue to until my time here is done. If anyone deserves an accolade and some sort of recognition, it surely must be Sarah.

Please feel free to contact me : / 07971 479740